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Mardi Gras in New Orleans with our newest PLAYLIST! - Cover-Alls Decals

Mardi Gras in New Orleans with our newest PLAYLIST!

If you’re in New Orleans, you know that Mardi Gras is upon us. It’s pretty clear that people have differing levels of comfort with large public gatherings so soon on the heels of the Omicron variant, with some sitting this Carnival season out while others are clearly making up for lost time.

We here at and our friends at have the spirit and want to share it with you, whether you’re in New Orleans or wish you were. “Create a Disturbance in Your Mind” comes from a New Orleans R&B classic, “Ooh Poo Pah Doo” by Jessie Hill, and you can’t have Mardi Gras music without it and a handful of Carnival classics. For us though, the rhythm and the loose, flowing nature of Mardi Gras Indians and brass bands best set the tenor for Mardi Gras and reflect its shaggy vibe, so we leaned heavily on those sounds.

Part of the beauty of Mardi Gras is how it, like so many New Orleans traditions, finds new expressions with each generation, so we also wanted to include some more modern tracks, “modern” being relative when folding in DJ Jubilee and Choppa.

There are times in the year when New Orleans’ love of writing songs about itself can become wearying, but right now, this whole body of music seems right on time.

By Alex Rawls
Twelve Songs of Christmas and My Spilt Milk

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